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Reports:Year Comparison/Kind Comparison/Member Comparison

Year Comparison: #

  • Compare the month-by-month income and expenses for different years, and different years can be entered in the date.
  • Plus or minus toggle button: indicates toggle the comparison of income and expenses .
  • Export CSV file: Export statistical reports to CSV file.

Kind Comparison #

  • Comparison of income and expenditure categories for different periods.

Member Comparison #

  • Comparison of members’ income and expenses in different periods.

Date Format: #

  • Year: e.g. 2020, represents a comparison of the whole year 2020
  • Month: e.g. 202001, represents a comparison of the whole month of January 2020
  • Day: e.g. 20200115, representing the comparison is January 15, 2020
  • ⚠️:No spacing characters are needed in the date: e.g. /, -, space, etc.