
To make it easier for you to enter quickly, save your frequently entered accounts as templates so that you can save them each time by double-clicking directly from the template and making minor changes. For example, if you often have groceries in your accounts, you can save a template for Note: Groceries, Category: Food, Member: Family. This way, each time you enter your groceries, you can directly click on the groceries in the template, change the amount and save it.

New Template #

Accounts list, label list check the entries you want to save as templates and select Save as Template in the right mouse button menu.

In the new accounts, after adjusting the notes, etc., click the Save as Template button in the bottom right corner.

Delete Template #

After clicking the Template button, select the template you want to delete in the template list and click the Delete button in the lower right corner. Or select Delete directly from the right-click menu.